Songtext: Baby Lasagna - "Rim Tim Tagi Dim"

Stand: 29.04.2024 10:11 Uhr


Ay, I’m a big boy now
I’m ready to leave, ciao mamma ciao
Ay, I’m a big boy now
I’m going away and I sold my cow

But before I leave, I must confess
I need a round of decompress
One more time for all the good times
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

Gonna miss you all, but mostly the cat
Gonna miss my hay, gonna miss my bed
Most of all I’m gonna miss the dance
So come on ya’ll, let us prance

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

Don’t call, don’t write
I’m leaving with the first light
Don’t cry, but dance
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

I hope I find, peace in the noise
Wanna become one of the city boys
They’re all so pretty and so advanced
Maybe they also know our dance

Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi
Rim Tim Tagi Digi

Bye mom, bye dad
Meow cat, please meow back
Don’t cry, just dance
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

There’s no going back
My presence fades to black
There’s no going back
My anxiety attacks
Rim Tim Tagi Digi Rim Tim Tim

Text und Komposition: Marko Purišić

Weitere Informationen
Baby Lasagna auf der ESC-Bühne in Malmö. © EBU Foto: Alma Bengtsson

ESC 2024: Baby Lasagna holt für Kroatien Platz zwei

Baby Lasagna aus Kroatien tritt die Nachfolge von Let 3 an. Der Musiker schaffte es beim Eurovision Song Contest 2024 auf den zweiten Platz. mehr

Die Trophäe des Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö © EBU Foto: Corinne Cummings

Alle Infos zum Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Schweden

37 Länder, exzellente Shows, aber auch Proteste und eine Disqualifizierung: Das alles gab es beim 68. Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö. mehr

Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | Eurovision Song Contest | 07.05.2024 | 21:00 Uhr

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