Stand: 04.04.2013 14:27 Uhr

Songtext: Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko - "Identitet"


VIDEO: Albanien: Adrian Lulgjuraj & Bledar Sejko - "Identitet" (3 Min)


I came from far away
Under the dust of time I found clouds and curse
I was standing too close
I touched only flame and fire
I spoke only in silence
I wanted some life, glory
And when I shared the dream
I found a ray of light ... a little breath like you ... (two times)

Coming from far away
You're thirsty, you're craving
When you see everything changes
Life itself going by
You're searching in this language
It's the place where you were born and raise
You shared bravery
And you gave love through years
You ran... found freedom ... (two times)

We were raised by this land
We'll speak in one language
So there will be no more tears
You'll be found anywhere around the world
You won't be a stranger any more
Let it be a new beginning
We together in brotherhood
When I shared the dream,
I found a ray of light ... a little breathes like you ...
You ran... found freedom...

A ray of light ... a little breathes like you...
You ran... found freedom...


Lyrics writer: Eda Sejko
Composer: Bledar Sejko

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 18.05.2013 | 21:00 Uhr

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