Sendedatum: 18.05.2013 21:00 Uhr

Songtext: Amandine Bourgeois- "L'Enfer Et Moi"


VIDEO: Frankreich: Amandine Bourgeois - "L'enfer et moi" (3 Min)


You knocked me out from the start
At the end of the day I kind of liked it :
Hands of silk and leather ties….

Where and whom do you hurt
Till you make dawn blush….?
You cast me off like a spell

I'm gonna give you hell
Right where you're loosing yourself
Have a good look in the real mirror
I 'll be the one standing behind you

You made me cry with burning tears
My neck still carries your brand
Skin to skin , fear to fear …

"No limits " that's a classic
our love was first name for toxic
but beauty justifies it all…

I'm gonna give you hell
Right where you're loosing yourself
Have a good look in the rear mirror
I 'll be the one standing behind you

I'm gonna give you hell
'till you're out of breath
unless, unless..
two becomes our odd number again
we see our battles fall into oblivion


Song writer: Boris Bergman
Song composer: David Salkin

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 18.05.2013 | 21:00 Uhr