Stand: 28.05.2012 13:00 Uhr

Songtext: Željko Joksimovic - "Nije Ljubav Stvar"


VIDEO: Serbien: Željko Joksimovic - "Nije Ljubav Stvar" (3 Min)


Better luck next time,
You say that so easily.
I can see we're over now,
But it could have been so good.
Know that even if you leave,
Something yours will stay.

Love is not a thing,
That I can just give back to you.
This is only me,
I've only ever loved you

Love is not a thing,
That I don't know what do to with,
I wish you just the best,
This love is my sinking ship.

Your love is not a thing,
That I can just give back to you.
This is only me,
I've only ever loved you.

My love is not a thing,
That I don't know what to do with,
I wish you just the best,
This is my sinking ship.

Go,just, just go,
Fly away, sing,
Give your heart to someone else,
But know
That goodbye is not the end.

My love is not a thing,
That I don't know what to do with,
I wish you just the best,
This is my sinking ship.

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 26.05.2012 | 21:00 Uhr

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