Songtext: Bodine Monet - "Tears Like Rain"

Stand: 12.02.2024 11:02 Uhr


Cried a flood
Water was all around me
Water it made me doubt me
How many nights? How many times?
Blood of a girl just like me
U really kept it lowkey
How many nights? How many times?
Maybe she was just a silver-lining?

No more tears like rain
Runnin down down my face again
No tears like rain
Runnin down down my face my face
Too many hearts colliding
'Too many eyes be cryin
Tears like rain
Tears like rain (gettin' over you)
ou ou ou ou ou ou

(Got) lost in us
How could I love so blindly
Putting it all behind me
So many nights, so many fights
We lost
If I ain’t the one you’d die for
Then you ain’t the one I’ll cry for
Done with the lies, wastin my time
Maybe she was just a silver-lining?

No more tears like rain
Runnin down down my face again
No tears like rain
Runnin down down my face my face
Too many hearts colliding
Too many eyes be cryin’
Tears like rain
Tears like rain (over you)
ou ou ou ou ou ou

No more tears like rain
Runnin down my face again
Tears like rain
Runnin down my face my face
Too many hearts colliding
Too many eyes be cryin
Tears like rain
Tears like rain
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
No more crying over you, I’m over you oh 
Too many hearts colliding
Too many eyes be cryin
Tears like rain, Tears like rain

No more tears like rain
Runnin down down my face again
No tears like rain
Runnin down down my face my face
Too many hearts colliding
Too many eyes be cryin
Tears like rain
Tears like rain

Text und Komposition: Ashley Hicklin, Lukas Hällgren, Pele Loriano, Roxane Ischi

Weitere Informationen
Bodine Monet bei der Probe zum deutschen ESC-Vorentscheid 2024. © NDR Foto: Claudia Timmann

Bodine Monet ließ die Vergangenheit los

Die 23-jährige Niederländerin war mit ihrem Song "Tears Like Rain" beim deutschen ESC-Vorentscheid 2024 dabei. mehr

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 16.02.2023 | 22:05 Uhr

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