Songtext: Max Mutzke - "Forever Strong"

Stand: 12.02.2024 12:06 Uhr


You know I would always listen
I know when you are talking in your sleep
To catch and hold you when you’re falling 
Out of your most breathtaking dreams

Will I ever find a peace of mind
And finally take a seat?
I listen to your pounding heart 

I don’t know where we are going 
But I know where I belong 
All I can do is keep on flying 
While my heart is busy trying 
To stay forever 
Stay forever strong

We know life will see us crying
I know some hopes and dreams are gone
To wish them back is all I’m doing
Sometimes I’m right, sometimes I’m wrong

I don’t know where we are going 
But I know where we belong 
All I can do is keep on flying 
While my heart is busy trying 
To stay forever 
Stay forever strong

We are so good, so frigging good 
To make everything out of almost nothing
You mean the world to me
The whole world 
We are so good, so frigging good 
We are everything

I don’t know where we are going 
But I know where I belong 
All I can do is keep on flying 
While my heart is busy trying 
To stay forever 
Stay forever strong strong strong strong 
Stay forever, stay together
Let’s stay forever strong

Text und Komposition: Justin Balk, Max Mutzke, Sebastian Schubert, Simon Oslender

Weitere Informationen
Max Mutzke bei der Probe zum ESC-Vorentscheid 2024. © NDR Foto: Claudia Timmann

Max Mutzke: Mit Bodenständigkeit beständig erfolgreich

2004 belegte Max Mutzke den achten Platz beim ESC in Istanbul. 20 Jahre später landete er beim ESC-Vorentscheid auf Platz zwei. mehr

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 16.02.2023 | 22:05 Uhr

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