Stand: 28.05.2012 13:00 Uhr

Songtext: Filipa Sousa - "Vida Minha"


VIDEO: Portugal: Filipa Sousa - "Vida Minha" (4 Min)


I walk the streets of the city, old, dark, imperfect,
There's a feeling of nostalgic kisses in the decorated city square,
There's a child running, a peeking neighbor,
And within me, there’s only desire to come home and hold you.

And within me, there’s only desire to come home and hold you.

If you were light, my love, you would be the light of day,
An inspiring smile of fantasy.
If you were water, my love, you would be like pure water,
Sating the thirst of the flower of tenderness.

If you were light, my love, you would be the light of day,
An inspiring smile of fantasy.
But of all the things you can be in life,
I just want you, my love, to be life of mine.

And within me, there’s only desire to come home and hold you.

But of all the things you can be in life,
I just want you, my love, to be life of mine.

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 26.05.2012 | 21:00 Uhr

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