Stand: 28.05.2012 13:15 Uhr

Songtext: Sofi Marinova - "Love Unlimited"


VIDEO: Bulgarien: Sofi Marinova - "Love Unlimited" (3 Min)


Dorem dem dem dem!
Dorem dem dem dem!
Dorem dem dem dem ya!

The song has no borders, language or colour
It doesn't recognize the rich and the poor
Everybody's singing all over the world about love, always sings about love.
Love has no borders, language or colour
It’s one and the same for everyone in this world
For you, for me, for them

Seviyorum seni, Sagapao poli
Yo te quiero a ti, Volim te, mon cheri
I love you, I love only you
I’m saying I love you.
But dehaftu mange, Voglio bene a te
Men seni sevirem, Yahabibi, je t'aime
I love you, I love only you
There are no limits for us.

The pain has no border, language and colour
It doesn't recognize the rich or the poor
Same tears fall down when life hurts us
The love has no border, language or colour
It's equal for everyone
For you, for me, for them.

I love you so much!

Dieses Thema im Programm:

Das Erste | Eurovision Song Contest | 26.05.2012 | 21:00 Uhr

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