Stand: 11.04.2022 09:42 Uhr

Songtext: Intelligent Music Project - "Intention"


VIDEO: Bulgarien - Intelligent Music Project · "Intention" | Erstes Halbfinale (3 Min)

Lyrics (Englisch)

And I can move on from here
How simple: life goes on
Humble – that‘s how I feel
Sparking hot flames, holding on.
Younger days run so clear
Through my mind, replaying my crime
Tearing me up, spreading fear
Obsession in my own time.
What life‘s taken away, I‘m not missing
Will I sit back and sigh?
A thunder of thoughts, I‘m dismissing
Too scared to even try…
And in time I‘ve always known
I‘m never in the safety zone
I took the fight, but was I right?
They were sending me to war…
My intention is strong and real
Only power steals my will.
The illusion of safety‘s surreal
Don‘t let it go for the kill!
What life‘s taken away, I‘m not missing
Will I sit back and sigh?
A thunder of thoughts, I‘m dismissing
Too scared to even try…
And in time I‘ve always known
I‘m never in the safety zone
I took the fight, but was I right?
They were sending me to war…
I don‘t want to take on the pain
So, I go seek inner signs, or a calling
The more freedom I gain
The less real life I‘m recalling.
And in time I‘ve always known
I‘m never in the safety zone
I took the fight, but was I right?
They were sending me to war…

Komposition & Text: Milen Vrabevski, MD

Weitere Informationen
Intelligent Music Project (Bulgarien) mit "Intention" auf der Bühne in Turin. © Foto: Andres Putting

Intelligent Music Project tritt für Bulgarien an

Mit dem Song "Intention" gingen die Hard-Rocker in Turin an den Start. Für die Band um Frontman Ronnie Romero war im ersten Halbfinale Schluss. mehr

Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | Eurovision Song Contest | 10.05.2022 | 21:00 Uhr

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