Stand: 29.03.2018 13:54 Uhr

Songtext: Yianna Terzi - "Oniro mou"


VIDEO: Griechenland: Yianna Terzi - "Oniro mou" (3 Min)

Lyrics (original)

An tha psaksis to vitho mou
Zondanevis t'oniro mou
Ki an kitaksis tin kardia mou

Tha se paro agalia mou

Pos thes na sou to po
Pos gia sena ego tha pethena
Ti zoi mou tha stin edina
Telos kai arhi, ola ise esi

Oso ki an pono
Ap'to harti den tha s'esvina
Ti zoi mou tha stin edina
Telos kai arhi, ola ise esi

Giati thelis na m'allaksis
Kai to ble mou na ksevapsis
An milisis sta vouna mou
Tha s'akousi i monaksia mou

Pos thes na sou to po
Pos gia sena ego tha pethena
Ti zoi mou tha stin edina
Telos kai arhi, ola ise esi

Oso ki an pono
Ap'to harti den tha s'esvina
Ti zoi mou tha stin edina
Telos kai arhi, ola ise esi

Pos thes na sou to po
Pos gia sena ego tha pethena
Ti zoi mou tha stin edina
Telos kai arhi, ola ise esi

Oso ki an pono
Ap'to harti den tha s'esvina
Ti zoi mou tha stin edina
Telos kai arhi, ola ise esi

Lyrics (Englisch)

If you look into my depths
you'll bring my dream to life.
And if you look into my heart
I'll take you into my arms.

How can I make it clear that I’d die for you?
I'd give my life for you
(You’re) the end and the beginning
You’re everything

No matter my heartache
I wouldn't strike you off the map
I'd give my life for you
(You’re) the end and the beginning
You’re everything

Why would you want to change me
and dull my blue (colour)?
If you talk to my mountains,
my loneliness will be listening ...

How can I make it clear that I’ d die for you?
I'd give my life for you
(You’re) the end and the beginning
You’re everything

How can I make it clear that I’ d die for you?
I'd give my life for you
(You’re) the end and the beginning
You’re everything

No matter my heartache
I wouldn't strike you off the map
I'd give my life for you
(You’re) the end and the beginning
You’re everything



Music & Lyrics: Yianna Terzi, Aris Kalimeris, Michalis Papathanasiou, Dimitris Stamatiou

Dieses Thema im Programm:

ONE | 08.05.2018 | 21:00 Uhr

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